This study aims to cover the overall gamut of rapid prototyping processes and biomaterials used for the fabrication of occlusal splints in a comprehensive manner and elucidate the characteristics of the materials, which are essential in determining their clinical efficacy when exposed to oral surroundings.
A collective analysis of published articles covering the use of rapid prototyping technologies in the fabrication of occlusal splints, including manufacturing workflow description and essential properties (mechanical- and thermal-based) evaluation of biocompatible splinting materials, was performed.
Without advances in rapid prototyping processes and materials engineering, occlusal splints would tend to underperform clinically due to biomechanical limitations.
Social implications
Three-dimensional printing can improve the process capabilities for commercial customization of biomechanically efficient occlusal splints.
Rapid technological advancement in dentistry with the extensive utilization of rapid prototyping processes, intra-oral scanners and novel biomaterial seems to be the potential breakthrough in the fabrication of customized occlusal splints which have endorsed occlusal splint therapy (OST) as a cornerstone of orthodontic treatment.