Before officially starting my studies I took two courses as a hearer, did the assignments and at the very end of that year i was victim of a robbery at home. My notebook was stolen, with all my work, and with the external backup drive attached to it, as I was just updating it. Many overdue thanks to the brave policemen from COE -Comando de Operações Especiais (Special Operations Commando), who spotted the burglar fleeing (in my car), pursued and arrested him: corporal MP Sidnei, third Sgt. MP Caetano, and all their patrol colleagues whose names I don't know -there were at least 4 police cars involved. I was unaware that my notebook was also stolen until I received it back at the Police Department, with the external drive still and dangerously hanging by the USB cable! Thanks to CAPES, who paid my PhD scholarship and a training scholarship for almost two months in Colorado, USA.Thanks to Timpel S.A. for the desktop computer they put at the lab for my research and for an additional trip to Fort Collins, when I was able to implement big changes to the simulation software and it began to run much faster.Thanks to my mother, who helped to pay my bills and expenses, they were higher than my humble scholarship! Thanks to prof. Jennifer Mueller, from Colorado State University (CSU), who received me in her Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) laboratory. More than that: when Covid-19 stroke and I had to leave Fort Collins in a hurry -in the last plane! -, it was impossible to bring back all my belongings, and she keeps those things in safety till now. Thanks to my neighbor Brendan DeJonge, who stored the backpack with my photo gear I forgot on the sidewalk in front of our houses. Almost a year later Talles Rattis would bring my camera and one lens to me, but, instead, surprised me with the complete backpack: thank you Talles, very much! Special thanks to my colleague Ely, who went to Fort Collins a few weeks earlier than me, and managed to rent a house from CSU and allowed me to be there with him -this made my stay viable, within my expenses allowance -; it was a great experience, with much work and also fun! Thanks to my colleague Rafael Mikio Nakanishi, who helped a lot giving me access to his studies and results, therefore I could compare my finite elements simulation with real data and, later, try to implement new techniques to speed up my simulations, solving the problem in the frequency domain. Thanks to Tayran Milá, also my colleague from the laboratory, who told about softwares I used to create a human breast model.Thanks to my family. Thanks also to all my former teachers, since the first years of school, who always taught me lessons for the life.Thanks to Julio Cezar Neves, a real Linux guru. You are a monster! In our short talk you pointed me in the right direction, and now I can generate lots of graphics using parallelism emphin the shell. You saved me a lot of time!