Actuality. Diagnostics in orthodontics is one of the most important stages, because the establishment of the final diagnosis and the choice of treatment methods directly depend on it. According to the diagnostic protocols of orthodontic patients, CBCT is currently not the gold standard, and is the method of choice. The goal is to analyze the available publications on the study of indications for CBCT and the impact of the information obtained on the choice of treatment method and/or control of the treatment. Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of available publications on the resources https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/ and and and the formation of categories of indications for conducting CBCT in orthodontic practice and possible development trends in diagnostics based on CBCT The results. More than 200 publications were analyzed and 82 published in scientific publications in the period from 1998 to 2023 were selected, and the obtained data were systematized into the main groups of indications for conducting CBCT, namely: (1) assessment of the volume of the alveolar process for planning the possibility of tooth movement; (2) accurate determination of the localization of retained and overcomplete teeth; (3) assessment of the degree of ossification of the palatine suture for choosing a method of maxillary expansion; (4) study of angulation, morphology or root resorption; (5) quantification of nonunion defects of the lip and palate; (6) evaluation of the selection of TADs sizes and optimal areas for their installation; (7) help in determining the possible etiological factors of the occurrence of a pathological bite, for example, anomalies of the TMJ. Conclusions. The development of technologies and diagnostics of patients does not stand still, including 3D technologies in orthodontics as well, and the information that the doctor receives from CBCT influences the choice of treatment method and the evaluation of the conducted, which helps to improve the provision of orthodontic care and treatment, and we hope that in soon CBCT as a diagnostic method will take its place in diagnostic protocols and replace the gold standard, which is currently OPTG and TRG (cephalometry). Key words: cone-beam computed tomography, CBCT, orthodontics, diagnosis, canine retention, repid palatal expiation (RME), temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ), occlusion, articulator, treatment planning, treatment outcames.