-Generation and quality of as built models influence the subsequent applications such as progress monitoring, quality control, and deviation detection. The quality of any 3D reconstructed model heavily depends on the raw inputs and the post processing involved. While laser and LiDAR-based scanning are widely prevalent, lower cost equipment and sensors are increasingly becoming adaptable for 3D reconstruction. This study tests the feasibility of using IR-based scanning tablets and passive stereo vision cameras to acquire data from a construction environment based on the type of applications (such as progress monitoring, deviation detection) on a construction site. Two different off the shelf technologies: Tango tablet and ZED camera are tested during this research for developing as-built models using 3D reconstruction. The devices are compared on the basis of metrics such as preparation time for each scan, calibration of the scanner and total scanning time for determining the ease of scanning process, accuracy of generated point clouds. Also, the influence of external factors such as scanning parameters, ambient lighting, and characteristics of the object being scanned, and angle/orientation of scanner with respect to the object are studied.