This document presents an interpolation operator on unstructured tetrahedral meshes that satisfies the properties of mass conservation, P 1 -exactness (order 2) and maximum principle. Interpolation operators are important for many applications in scientific computing. For instance, in the context of anisotropic mesh adaptation for time-dependent problems, the interpolation stage becomes crucial as the error due to solution transfer accumulates throughout the simulation. This error can eventually spoil the overall solution accuracy. When dealing with conservation laws in CFD, solution accuracy requires enforcement of mass preservation throughout the computation, in particular in long time scale computations. In the proposed approach, the conservation property is achieved by local mesh intersection and quadrature formulae. Derivatives reconstruction is used to obtain a second order method. Algorithmically, our goal is to design a method which is robust and efficient. The robustness is mandatory to obtain a reliable method on real-life applications and to apply the operator to highly anisotropic meshes. The efficiency is achieved by designing a matrix-free operator which is highly parallel. A multi-thread parallelization is given in this work. Several numerical examples are presented to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach.Key-words: Solution interpolation, matrix-free conservative interpolation, parallel interpolation, unstructured mesh, mesh adaptation, conservation laws * INRIA, Équipe-projet Gamma3, Domaine de Voluceau, Rocquencourt, BP 105, 78153 Le Chesnay Cedex, France. email: A parallel matrix-free conservative solution interpolation on unstructured tetrahedral meshes Résumé : Ce document présente un opérateur d'interpolation sur des maillages tétraé-driques non-structurés qui satisfait les propriétés de conservation de la masse, P 1 -exactitude (ordre 2) et principe du maximum.Mots-clés : Interpolation de solution, interpolation conservative sans matrice, interpolation parallèle, maillage non-structuré, adaptation de maillage, adaptation de maillage, loi de conservation A parallel matrix-free conservative solution interpolation on tetrahedral meshes 3