We study the robustness of quantum information stored in the degenerate ground space of a local, frustration-free Hamiltonian with commuting terms on a 2D spin lattice. On one hand, a macroscopic energy barrier separating the distinct ground states under local transformations would protect the information from thermal fluctuations. On the other hand, local topological order would shield the ground space from static perturbations. Here we demonstrate that local topological order implies a constant energy barrier, thus inhibiting thermal stability.PACS numbers: 03.67.Pp, 03.65.Ud, 03.67.Ac A self-correcting quantum memory [1] is a physical system whose quantum state can be preserved over a long period of time without the need for any external intervention. The archetypical self-correcting classical memory is the two-dimensional (2D) Ising ferromagnet. The ground state of this system is two-fold degenerate-all-spin up and all-spin down-so it can store one bit of information. If the memory is put into contact with a heat bath after being initialized in one of these ground states, thermal fluctuations will lead to the creation of small error droplets of inverted spins. The boundary of such droplets are domain walls, i.e., one-dimensional excitations whose energy is proportional to the droplet perimeter. If the temperature is below the critical Curie temperature, the Boltzman factor will prevent the creation of macroscopic error droplets. Thus, when the system is cooled down (either physically or algorithmically) after some macroscopic storage time, it will very likely return to its original ground state: the memory is thermally stable.This behaviour contrasts with the 1D Ising ferromagnet whose domain walls are point-like excitations. Therefore, they can freely diffuse on the chain at no energy cost. As a consequence, arbitrarily large error droplets can form, so this 1D memory is thermally unstable.While the 2D Ising ferromagnet features thermal stability, it is vulnerable to static, local perturbations. Indeed, an arbitrarily weak magnetic field breaks the ground state degeneracy and favours one ground state over the other. When this perturbed system is subject to thermal fluctuations, the bulk contribution of the magnetic field overwhelms the boundary tension of the domain wall, so once error droplets reach a critical size, they rapidly expand to corrupt the memory. This type of instability plagues any systems with a local order parameter, so they cannot be robust quantum memories. Indeed, distinct ground states give different values of this order parameter, so a local field coupling to the order parameter lifts degeneracy.In 2D and higher, there exists quantum systems with no local order parameter and whose spectrum is stable under weak, local perturbations. These systems have a degenerate ground state separated from the other energy levels by a constant energy gap, and perturbations only alter these features by an exponentially vanishing amount as a function of the system size. Kitaev's toric code [2] is the bes...