The effects of N-[1-(2-benzo[b]thiophenyl)cyclohexyl]-piperidine (BTCP), a phencyclidine derivative that acts as a potent dopamine reuptake inhibitor, were examined on cocaine self-administration in rats. The effects of BTCP (0, 4, 8, 16, and 32 mg/kg, i.p
.) on cocaine self-administration were tested against cocaine doses on both the ascending (0.0625 mg/infusion) and descending (0.25 mg/infusion) limb of the dose-response function. BTCP decreased selfadministration of the 0.25-mg cocaine dose in a dosedependent manner. A 16-mg/kg dose of BTCP that strongly suppressed self-administration of the 0.25-mg cocaine dose increased the intake at the 0.0625-mg dose of cocaine.
Moreover, cocaine and BTCP pretreatments produced similar patterns of decreases in self-administration of cocaine on the descending limb of the dose-response function. The results suggest that BTCP has cocaine-like actions and produces a leftward shift of the dose-response curve for cocaine self-administration, indicating that the phencyclidine analog may substitute under certain conditions for the reinforcing effects of cocaine in self- KEY WORDS : Dopamine; Cocaine;
thiophenyl)cyclohexyl]piperidine; BTCP; Reuptake inhibitor; Self-administrationCocaine is a highly addictive substance that is abused worldwide (Warner 1993;Higgins 1997). Cocaine also acts as a potent reinforcer in laboratory animals (Pickens and Thompson 1968;Koob 1992;Stolerman 1992;Woolverton and Johnson 1992). It is widely accepted that the addictive and reinforcing actions of cocaine are the result of the drug's ability to block the reuptake of dopamine (DA) by inhibiting the dopamine transporter (DAT) and, thereby, increasing DA neurotransmission (Kuhar 1992;Ritz et al. 1987;Parsons et al. 1998;Woolverton 1992). N-[1-(2-benzo[b]thiophenyl)cyclohexyl] piperidine (BTCP) is a phencyclidine (PCP) derivative that has high affinity for the DAT (Chaudieu et al. 1989;Vignon et al. 1988) but binds to a different site on the transporter than cocaine (Maurice et al. 1991a(Maurice et al. ,b, 1993Akunne et al. 1994).BTCP, like cocaine, inhibits DA uptake (Chaudieu et al. 1989;Vignon et al. 1988) and is, in fact, one of the most potent inhibitors of DA reuptake known to date (Chaudieu et al. 1989). Like cocaine, BTCP increases extracellular DA levels in the striatum and the nucleus accumbens (Martin-Fardon et al. 1996a;Maurice et al. 1992), and stimulates locomotor activity in rats (Slimani et al. 1988) and mice (Ilagouma et al. 1993;Koek et al. 1989). Moreover, BTCP has been shown to substitute for cocaine in drug discrimination (Koek et al. 1989) and self-administration studies (French et al. 1995).While the behavioral and neurochemical effects of acute BTCP administration are similar to those of cocaine (French et al. 1995;Ilagouma et al. 1993; Received October 8, 1999; revised February 18, 2000; accepted February 18, 2000. N EUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY 2000 -VOL . 23 , NO . 3 BTCP Enhances Cocaine Reinforcement 317 Martin-Fardon et al. 1996a;Slimani et al. 1988), differences betw...