In lithium-ion battery production, the formation of the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) is one of the longest process steps. [1] The formation process needs to be better understood and significantly shortened to produce cheaper batteries. [2] The electrolyte reduction during the first charging forms the SEI at the negative electrodes. [3,4] Besides that, a SEI is also formed at the positive electrode (PE-SEI) during the first cycles. [5,6] Especially, the SEI has a substantial impact on the battery's performance and aging by limiting further reductive decomposition of the electrolyte. [7] The SEI material compositions and electrochemical properties have been reviewed extensively. [7][8][9][10] State-of-the-art formation procedures in the industry last up to multiple days [1] and consist of several charge and discharge cycles. [11] Long periods at high state of charges (SOCs) increase the reduction rate at the negative electrode (NE) and the oxidation rate at the positive electrode (PE) that lead to the formation of the SEI and PE-SEI, respectively. [12] Higher SOCs lead to lower NE potentials which exponentially increase the SEI growth rate whereas increased C-rates have a linear relation. [13] Similar results for accelerated SEI growth at low NE potentials were simulated by a model based on differential voltage analysis. [14] Formation strategies with multiple subcycles at high SOCs are recommended in the literature as it was found to guarantee stable surface layer properties that resulted in good cell performance while ensuring shorter formation times, e.g., 21, [15] 14, [1] and 13 h. [16] Increased ambient temperatures and external pressure enabled a formation time about 3 h. [17] Variable fast charging current rates based on an electrode equivalent circuit model even resulted in a formation time below 1 h without negative impacts on cell performance compared to longer reference formations. [18] However, comparing formation times between different cell configurations is complicated, as different materials (e.g., electrolyte or active material) or properties (e.g., coating thickness or porosity) influence the maximum applicable current. [19] Charging currents that lead to negative NE potentials may form lithium-plating on the NE's surface [20][21][22] as lithium ions react to metallic lithium depositions instead of intercalating into the NE. [23,24] In general, lithium-plating is an undesired sidereaction which comes along with capacity loss and may result in an internal short circuit due to dendrite formation. [25][26][27] Just a part of the plated lithium is reversible and reacts back to lithium ions during discharging, which is called lithiumstripping. [28] Irreversible lithium-plating can be proved by cell disassembly and optical investigation of the NE. Therefore, it is recommended to discharge the cell to 0% SOC followed by a