The oxidation of Nde(CN)6 complex by S,Oi-anion was found to follow an outer-sphere electron transfer mechanism. We fmtly canied out the reaction at pH= 1. The specific rate constants of the reaction, bx, are (8.1 C 0.07)X10-2 and (4.3~0.1)XIO-* mol-'-L*s-' at p=1.0 rnol*L-' NaC104, T=298 K for pH=l (0.1 mol*L-' HC104) and 8, respectively. The activation parameters, obtained by measuring the rate constants of oxidation The first and the third steps are diffusion-controlled reactions, and Eq. (3) is often the rate determining step. If one of the reactants is in excess (usually oxidant) and the reaction proceeds to completion, this mechanism leads to the rate law given byDue to the instability of N-aromatic hetercyclic complexes in acidic solutions,' previous studies on the oxidation of Fe(CN), L3-complexes were never carried out in a solution at p H 6 4 . For this reason we would like to extend our study to the oxidation of Fe(CN):-complex in an acidic medium because the complex is rather stable in the acid solution. In this paper we report the results of our kinetic study on the oxidation of Fe(CN):-complex in 0.1 mol-L-' HC104 solution. For the purpose of comparison, the oxidation of Fe(CN):-at pH=8 was also carried out.