“…'~~ The sixth protobruceol from E. brucei, protobruceol-IV (232), is the linear annelated isomer of pro to bruceol-I1 (2 1 2). 159 The structure of murrayacarpin-B (233) from Murraya paniculata was confirmed by its preparation from 8formyllimettin (234), the latter being prepared by Vilsmeier formylation of 5,7-dimetho~ycoumarin.~' 8-Formyllimettin and toddalenone (235) are further constituents of Toddaliu a ~i a t i c a . ' ~~ The structure of seselinal (236) has been confirmed by X-ray ~rystallography'~~ and the corresponding carboxylic acid, murraculatin (237), isolated from leaves of M .…”