The chapter considers an option for solving the problem of storing data in the Web environment and providing an access to the data, taking into account their semantics, i.e., in accordance with the nature of the tasks solved by users of different classes. The proposed solution is based on the use of presentation of the data in the form of semantic networks. As the main technical tool for describing access methods, the chapter proposes cognitive maps (CMs), which can also be considered as semantic networks of special type. When access is done, the presentation of information consistent with the semantic description of the user is provided. The suggested method of constructing CMs is based on the intensional logic. The solution is presented in the form of a computational model, which provides for the construction of CM's dependence on the parameter. The proposed method of parametrization makes it possible to take into account the semantic characteristics of users of various classes. Some CM constructions for problem domain description are presented. A method for semantically oriented naming of CMs is proposed. The method is based on building of a functor of special type.The semantic measurement of data structures leads to the necessity to change respectively the methods of their description, searching in the environment of such structures and manipulating them [2].The need to use semantically rich network structures requires to develop semantically oriented methods for describing data structures and their processing, in particular, the definition of semantically oriented search methods [3]. Different users must work with different fragments of data, which are determined by the goals of their work, the source data that is necessary to achieve the goals, a set of appropriate access rights, etc. All this raises the problem of providing access to data, which should take into account both the class of the user, getting the access, and its characteristics, as well as the semantics of the data, to which the access is allowed, in particular, providing a user-friendly representation of the data.The means of describing users and the means of their access to data, considering the specifics of the tasks to be solved, must combine power enough to distinguish the relevant elements of the description and simplicity. It makes it possible to practically use the descriptions without cumbersome instrumental kits. The means of description should fix the user's view on the subject area, which should be sufficiently detailed to describe the classes of problems to be solved, but without redundant detailing that might lead to an increase in the volume and complexity of the description. The use of cognitive maps (CMs) seems promising in this aspect.Cognitive maps are diagrams used to visually organize information. Various works define the cognitive maps in various ways. For example, CM's can be used to represent spatial relations and determine the mutual position of information elements in a physical environment. CMs also can be used to re...