The protein ATPase inhibitor entraps about five nucleotides in pig heart mitochondrial F1, one at least being a triphosphate [Di Pietro, A., Penin, F., Julliard, J.H., Godinot, C., & Gautheron, D.C. (1988) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 152, 1319-1325]. The fate of these nucleotides was studied during ATP synthesis driven by NADH oxidation in reconstituted inverted submitochondrial particles. Iodinated F1, containing 0.7 mol of endogenous nucleotides/mol, was first loaded with tritiated adenine nucleotides in the presence or absence of the protein inhibitor and then reassociated with F1-depleted submitochondrial particles (ASU particles) to reconstitute an efficient NADH-driven ATP synthesis. In the absence of the protein inhibitor, 1.7 mol of labeled nucleotides remained bound per mole of reassociated F1, 0.8-0.9 mol being rapidly exchangeable against medium ADP or ATP, as measured after rapid filtration through nitrocellulose filters. In the presence of the protein inhibitor, as many as 3.25 mol of labeled nucleotides remained bound per mole of reassociated F1. Under hydrolysis conditions where ATPase activity was highly inhibited, no release of tritiated nucleotide occurred. In contrast, under ATP synthesis conditions where the protonmotive force was generated by NADH oxidation, the progressive reversal of inhibition by the protein inhibitor was correlated to a concomitant release of tritiated nucleotide. When ATP synthesis became fully active, about one nucleotide was completely exchanged whereas more than three nucleotides remained tightly bound and did not appear to be directly involved in ATP synthesis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)