This study aimed to estimate the gestational age of Etawa crossbred goats based on ultrasound images of embryo and fetal usingtranscutaneous ultrasonography. Etawa crossbred does (n= 5) were synchronized using double PGF2α injection with 10 days interval and matednaturally. Early pregnancy was diagnosed on 20th day after mating base on isoechogenic image of the embryo (2.65±0.75 mm) andhypoechogenic appearance of gestational sac. On 30th day of the first trimester, the embryo size was 8.31±0.42 mm. The embryo reached10.44±0.51 mm on 35th day. On 60th day, the existence of the fetal were clearly appeared along with isoechogenic of umbilical cord,hyperechogenic os cranium (25.5±0.1 mm), and body length (51.83±1.59 mm). On 75th day, the diameter of the os cranium was 33.03±0.20 mm,body length of 110±1.73 mm, and bones structures appeared hyperechogenic for os thoracalis and os vertebrae. The placenta was isoechogenoicwith diameter of 23.3±0.2 mm. On 90th day, the placenta dominated the uterus (22.67±1.70 mm) and reached its maximum diameter on 145th day(33.73±2.91 mm). In conclusion, early pregnancy detection of Etawa crossbred goats using transcutaneous ultrasonography could be performedon 20th day after mating