Abstract. We present time-resolved RHEED from a laser excited Pb(111) surface using a pulse front tilter for the compensation of the velocity mismatch of electrons and light. The laser pulses with tilted fronts were characterized by a spatially resolving cross correlator. The response of the surface upon excitation was observed to be less than 2 ps.Ultrafast electron diffraction is a promising technique for studying the dynamics of the atomic structure on a sub-picosecond time scale. Time resolved transmission electron diffraction (TR-TED) has been used, for example, to study bulk phenomena such as ultrafast laser-induced structural phase transitions [1], cooperative rearrangement of crystalline structures [2], and dynamics of charge density waves [3]. Time resolution of less than 100 fs [4] has been achieved. Time resolved reflection high energy electron diffraction (TR-RHEED), on the other hand, has been used for the investigation of ultrafast surface dynamics, for example the observation of ultrafast heating of surfaces [5], the heat transfer in hetero structures [6] and laser-induced phase transition of the surface reconstructions [7]. However, the time resolution in these experiments was limited to tens of picoseconds because of the different velocities of electrons and light in combination with the grazing angle of incidence of the electron beam in RHEED geometry.This velocity mismatch can be overcome and the time resolution significantly improved by tilting the laser pulse front with respect to the phase fronts. Baum et al. [8] have demonstrated a configuration for pulse front tilting and achieved an improvement of the temporal resolution to less than one picosecond. Here we report the use of a 4f zero dispersion delay line capable of matching the pulse front of the laser to the electron pulse. The improvement of the temporal resolution is demonstrated by measuring the ultrafast lattice heating of Pb(111) islands on a Si(111) surface.Generally speaking, when a laser pulse encounters angular dispersion, the planes of constant amplitude (intensity) will be tilted with respect to the planes of constant phase, for example when the pulse is reflected from a diffraction grating [9]. The pulse then broadens during the free propagation after the dispersive component. The broadening is reversed and the original pulse width restored by passing the pulse through the two lenses in a 4f configuration. Our pulse tilter was designed to compensate the velocity mismatch for 30 keV electrons. Based on the results of our electron source [10] a temporal resolution of better than 700 fs is expected.In order to independently control and characterize the tilted pulse we used a cross-correlator based on second harmonic generation (SHG). The special feature of this cross-correlator is the possibility to perform spatially resolved measurements of the cross-correlation function between the This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0, which permits unrestricted use, dis...