“…The sex of the decision-maker is one issue; the implicit, unconscious bias against female candidates, based on wider cultural understandings of the characteristics, abilities, roles, and preferences of women, however, can be held by anyone, man or woman. Gender bias has indeed been an explanatory staple for inequalities in the labor market more generally as well as for the legal professions (on attorneys in Poland, see Choroszewic 2014b, 120–28; on all EU countries, see European Parliament Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs 2017, 30–32; for the United States, see Rhode 2018) and the judiciary more specifically (International Development Law Organization 2018, 21–25). Previous research (B. Havelková 2017, 282ff), as well as our interviews, suggests that the awareness of gender bias and inequality and the perception of it as injustice is not very high among the legal community, including female judges.…”