incomplete metallization of the via holes by our Sputtering method. In any case, a good agreement between the simulated and measured results is observed.
CONCLUSIONMillimeter-wave transition of coplanar line to SIW using cavity resonator to increase the bandwidth in LiNbO 3 electro-optical substrate for phase modulator at 60 GHz was proposed, designed and fabricated. Drilling the holes by Excimer laser with the acceptable degree of taper angle was demonstrated. To ensure the inner metallization of the via holes, both sides of the substrate were metallized. A good agreement between simulation and measurement results was obtained.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Also, the authors thank J. Gauthier, T. W. Napporn, and J. P. Levesque for their assistance in fabrication. REFERENCES 1. K. Wu, E. Mortazy, and M. Bozzi, Development of microwave and millimeter-wave traveling-wave electro-optical devices using substrate integrated circuit concept, Proc Microwave Photonics, 2007, pp. 62- To design and evaluate filters for operation in the 50 -500 MHz frequency range that are small in size and easy to manufacture, we create a filter by adding capacitive loading to a shortest possible length of transmission line. The goal of this article is using equivalent circuits to reduce the size of a multisection half-wavelength tapped-stub filter, and quantify the resonant condition of this filter. In this article, we begin by considering the multisection half-wavelength tapped-stub resonator. To make the stub filters very compact, open sections less than a quarter-wavelength are replaced by equivalent capacitors and then all quarter-wavelength sections are replaced CLC equivalent circuits. And finally, the
DESIGN OF BANDPASS NETWORKSFor bandpass networks, the total frequency selectivity (Q T ) is defined bywhere f 0 ϭ ͱf 1 f 2 is the central frequency, and BW ϭ f 2 Ϫ f 1 is the 3-dB bandwidth. The bandpass network can be designed by using multisection half-wavelength tapped-stubs. Each section of the bandpass filter is a quarter-wavelength stub with one end open and one end shorted to ground [1], which has its own frequency-selective Q. It is computed as if it was the only section connected between source and load. The Q of and individual section is related to the total Q T of the filter by:where Q k is the kth frequency-selective section of an n-section network, g k are element values that are selected to produce a desired network response, such as, Butterworth, Chebyshev, or Thomson. The g k values are tabulated for a number of different responses [2], but for a Butterworth response they are given quite simply by [3]:From Eqs. (2) and (3),
Multisection Half-Wavelength Tapped-Stub ResonatorTo design a bandpass network using Q tapering, Q T and f 0 are known in a typical filter design. Thus, if we know Q k in terms of the parameters of individual resonant sections, then the design can be completed. In the following sections the foregoing method will be...