O filme de gelatina endurecida fixo em uma base transparente de triacetilcelulose pode ser utilizado como um suporte conveniente para indicadores ácido-base. Azul de bromofenol, verde de bromocresol, eosina, etil-eosina, n-decil-eosina, n-decil-fluoresceína, vermelho neutro e verde de malaquita foram incorporados nos filmes de gelatina por extração em meio aquoso sob condições apropriadas. A absorção de luz dos filmes dopados com corante exibe uma resposta ao pH de soluções tampão aquosas nas quais foram imersos. Valores reprodutíveis das constantes aparentes de dissociação dos indicadores, pK a app , foram calculados pelo tratamento convencional dos valores de pH do tampão aquoso e também para a água absorvida nos filmes de gelatina. Os experimentos com pH abaixo e acima do ponto isoelétrico da gelatina (em torno de pH 5) resultaram em valores de pK a app semelhantes àqueles em meios micelares de tensoativos catiônicos e aniônicos, respectivamente. Os filmes de gelatina modificados por corantes podem ser recomendados para uso em sensores óticos e dispositivos similares.The hardened gelatin film fixed on the transparent triacetylcellulose support can be utilized as a convenient carrier for acid-base indicator dyes. Bromophenol blue, bromocresol green, eosin, ethyleosin, n-decyleosin, n-decylfluorescein, neutral red, and malachite green were embedded into the gelatin films by extracting from aqueous media under appropriate conditions. The light absorption of dye-doped films exhibits a response to the pH values of aqueous buffer solutions, where they were soaked in. The well-reproducible indices of the apparent ionization constants, pK a app , of the indicators were calculated by conventional equating the pH values of the bulk aqueous buffer and those of the 'internal' water into the gelatin films. The experiments with pH below and above the isoelectric point of gelatin (around pH 5) result in pK a app values, which resemble those in micellar media of cationic and anionic surfactants, respectively. The dye-modified gelatin films can be recommended for use in optical sensors and related devices.
Keywords: dye-modified gelatin film, indicators, apparent ionization constants, medium effects
IntroductionThis paper is devoted to the influence of hardened gelatin media on the spectral and acid-base properties of immobilized xanthene, sulfonephthalein, and some other dyes.The immobilization of reagents in solid matrix (cellulose, ion-exchangers, polymers, silica, xerogels, etc.) 1-7 or using organized solutions, e.g., surfactant-based ones, [8][9][10][11][12] modifies the properties of guest molecules owing to the change of the microenvironment.Such modifications, or medium effects, are most studied and well documented for acid-base indicators. 8,9 In this case, the influence of the microenvironment results in the shift of the indicator equilibrium as compared to that in aqueous media. The main reasons are the local polarity and the local electrical charge. The latter often (but not always) manifests itself in the decre...