is rapldly metabolized in the chicken, rat, and dog to 3-carboxy-2-methylquinoxaline-1-oxide and a conjugate of 3-carboxy-2-methylquinoxaline-di-N-oxide. No appreciable amounts of other metabolites nor unchanged GS-7443 could be detected in the excreta from these anlmals. There were minor quantitative d~fferences in the relative amounts of the two metabolites; moreover, the conjugat~nggroup employed by the chicken is different from that of the dog but the material being conjugated is the same. Although measurable tissue levels of drug-related material were noted In several organs of the chicken 6 days after drug adm~nistration, all chicken tissues examined were cleared of radioactivity w~thin 21 days. Chem. 58, 1957Chem. 58, (1980. Le di-N-oxyde de I'hydroxymCthyl-2 methyl-3 quinoxaline (GS-7443) est metabolise rap~dement chez le poulet, le rat et le chien en oxyde-l de la carboxy-3 methyl-2 quinoxaline et en son espece conjugee, le di-N-oxyde de la carboxy-3 methyl-2quinoxaline. On n'a pas pu deceler des quant~tks apprkciables d'autres metabolites ou de GS-7443 de depart dans les excretions de ces animaux. Quantitativement il y a tres peu de differences entre les deux metabolites; de plus, le groupe conjugue employe par le poulet est different de celu~ employe par le chien mais c'est le mime produit qui dev~ent conjugue. Bien qu'on ait pu deceler des quantites mesurables des drogues mentionnees dans les tlssus de plus~eurs organes du poulet SIX jours apres que les drogues eurent ete administrees, toute la radioactivite des tissus examines disparait apres 21 jours.
I [Traduit par le journal]Introduction ity extending to Terramycin resistant E. coli. In Quinoxaline-l,4-di-N-oxides were synthesized connection with its proposed use in food Proin the early 194OYs and evaluated as human ducing animals, the distribution and metabolism of chemotherapeutic agents. A variety of undesirable GS-7443 in the chicken and appropriate experiside effects rendered these compounds unsuitable mental animal species, such as the rat and dog, was for clinical therapy. However, as a result of the ofinteresteffective antibacterial activity shown by this group Results of chemicals, a renewed interest in quinoxalines Excretion of Radioactivity emerged for uses as antiinfective agents in foodIn the chicken, rat, and dog a dose of 30 mglkg producing animals. 2-Hydroxymethyl-3-methyl-was rapidly excreted and most of the dose was quinoxaline-di-N-oxide (GS-7443, 1) was first de-recovered during the 24 h period following adminscribed by Francis et al. in 1956 (1) as one of istration of the drug (Table 1). In the rat and dog the metabolites of 2,3-dimethylquinoxaline-di-N-approximately two-thirds of the administered oxide (2) in sheep. The occurrence of further and radioactivity was recovered in urine and the readditional metabolic transformations was not mainder in the feces. excluded since only a small percent of administered Paper chromatography indicated that the excreta 2 was recovered unchanged.of all animals contained two major metabol...