Insulinomas are the most common cause for hypoglycemia with endogenous hyperinsulinism. Insulinomas are the most frequent endocrine tumor of the pancreas and 10% occur as multiple tumors (e.g. multiple endocrine neoplasia type I) or in rare cases as islet cell hyperplasia. A further 10-15% of insulinomas are malignant. Non-invasive imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasonography (US) and somatoreceptor scintigraphy (SRN) show a lower sensitivity for detection and localization of tumors, because in many cases insulinomas are smaller than 2 cm in size. Invasive pre-operative diagnostic procedures, such as transhepatic peripancreatic venous blood sampling (TPVB) and the intra-arterial calcium stimulation test (ASVS) are much more time-intensive compared to CT, MRI and US with an examination time of 2-3 h but achieve a more exact pre-operative detection and localization with sensitivities mostly greater than 95% and are therefore the diagnostic methods of choice.