RESUMOA escoliose é um desvio tridimensional da linha vertical da coluna vertebral, muitas vezes de difícil visualização e quantificação. Por isso, diversos estudos desenvolveram metodologias para a sua avaliação, mas ainda é incipiente uma discussão aprofundada, a fim de facilitar a escolha do método. O objetivo dessa revisão sistemática é verificar a existência de evidências científicas sobre os métodos alternativos para avaliação não invasiva da escoliose. Adopting the following inclusion criteria: addressing patients with scoliosis and involve assessment postural noninvasive, and exclusion: not describe the evaluation method used or approach treatment and not be written in English. At the beginning, 200 articles were found. After checking the titles and abstracts, eight articles were selected and 12 articles were included in the bibliographical references (i.e. an overall number of 20 articles). Of these, 18 studies were included in the quality criteria. Overall, the studies showed satisfactory results for the evaluation of scoliosis, being observed differences between the methods in time needed to perform the evaluation, system cost, complexity of the procedures to be carried out and data collected. These systems do not replace X-ray as gold-standard, even though it can be used to reduce the radiation exposure.