The cause of decoherence in a quantum system can be traced back to the interaction with the environment. As it has been pointed out first by Dicke, in a system of N two-level atoms where each of the atoms is individually dipole coupled to the environment, there are collective, subradiant states, that have no dipole coupling to photon modes, and therefore they are expected to decay slower. This property also implies that these type of states, which form an N − 1 dimensional subspace of the atomic subsytem, also decohere slower. We propose a scheme which will create such states. First the two-level atoms are placed in a strongly detuned cavity and one of the atoms, called the control atom is excited. The time evolution of the coupled atom-cavity system leads to an appropriately entangled state of the atoms. By applying subsequent laser pulses at a well defined time instant, it is possible to drive the atomic state into the subradiant, i. e., decoherence free subspace. Up to a certain average number of the photons, the result is independent of the state of the cavity. The analysis of the conditions shows that this scheme is feasible with present day techniques achieved in atom cavity interaction experiments.PACS: 42.50.Fx, 03.67.LxSubradiant states of a system of two-level atoms [1][2][3][4][5] has recently gained wide attention because of their exceptionally slow decoherence [6][7][8]. This stability of quantum superpositions inside the subradiant subspaces originates from the low probability of photon emission, which means very weak interaction between the atoms and their environment. Hence the subradiant states span a decoherence-free subspace (DFS) [9][10][11] of the atomic Hilbert-space and consequently can become important from the viewpoint of quantum computation (QC) [10,12]. The scheme we propose can be used to prepare subradiant states in a cavity. Our method is based on second order perturbation theory but the exact results verify the validity of the perturbative approach. We also investigate to what extent our scheme is independent of the state of the cavity field. Finally the requirements needed to prepare subradiant states in the proposed way will be compared with available experimental techniques [13][14][15][16].We investigate a system of N identical two-level atoms in a single mode cavity. Each individual atom is equivalent to a spin-1/2 system, and the whole atomic ensemble can be described by the aid of collective atomic operators J + , J − and J z obeying the same algebra as the usual angular momentum operators [1]. We consider the following model Hamiltonian:where a and a † are the annihilation and creation operators of the cavity mode, ω a is the transition frequency between the two atomic energy levels, ω c denotes the frequency of the cavity mode, different from ω a , and g is the coupling constant. We note that the Hamiltonian (1) is written in the framework of Dicke's theory, i.e., with the assumption that all the atoms are subjected to the same field, which is a good approximation when th...