The reaction of a-bromoimmonium bromides 4 with potassium cyanide in dimethylformamide gave rise to P-bromo-a-(dia1kylamino)nitriles 5, which were dehydrobrorninated in various basesolvent systems to afford (E)-and (Z)-a-cyanoenamines 2. An adaption of a previously published preparation of a-cyanoenamines starting from aldehydes oia enamines led to an improved, efficient and fast synthesis of the title compounds.
Synthese von a-Cyanenaminen durch Cyanierung von a-Bromimmonium-bromiden und Dehydrobromierung von p-Brom-a-(dialky1amino)nitrilenDie Reaktion der a-Bromimmonium-bromide 4 mit Kaliumcyanid in Dimethylformamid gibt P-Brom-a-(dialky1amino)nitrile 5, die in verschiedenen Base-Losungsmittel-Systemen zu (E)-und (2)-a-Cyanenaminen 2 dehydrobromiert werden. Eine Modifizierung einer kiirzlich veroffentlichten Synthese von a-Cyanenaminen 2 aus Aldehyden iiber Enamine fiihrte zu einer verbesserten und schnellen Methode fur die Darstellung der Titelverbindungen. a-Cyanoenamines (1, 2) are a group of functionalized olefins which contain a sp2 carbon atom, geminally substituted with an electron-withdrawing and electrondonating substituent.Especially during the last decade efforts have been undertaken for the synthesis of a-cyanoenamines, which were shown to be valuable synthons in synthetic organic chemistry (vide infra). A variety of synthetic methods are now available to synthesize secondary a-cyanoenamines 1 and tertiary a-cyanoenamines 2. Secondary a-cyanoenamines 1 are synthesized by reaction of a-chloroaldimines with potassium cyanide* -4, or, to a lesser extent, by dehydrohalogenation of appropriate P-halo-a-(alky1amino)nitriles -').Only in the former case are secondary a-cyanoenamines 1 generally accessible, while in the latter case an additional isomerism to the tautomeric imidoyl cyanides prohibits isolation of pure a-cyanoenamines.