Neighbourhood structures are the standard semantic tool used to reason about non-normal modal logics. In coalgebraic terms, a neighbourhood frame is a coalgebra for the contravariant powerset functor composed with itself, denoted by 2 2 . In our paper, we investigate the coalgebraic equivalence notions of 2 2 -bisimulation, behavioural equivalence and neighbourhood bisimulation (a notion based on pushouts), with the aim of finding the logically correct notion of equivalence on neighbourhood structures. Our results include relational characterisations for 2 2 -bisimulation and neighbourhood bisimulation, and an analogue of Van Benthem's characterisation theorem for all three equivalence notions. We also show that behavioural equivalence gives rise to a Hennessy-Milner theorem, and that this is not the case for the other two equivalence notions.