Older adults comprise the fastest growing population in corrections. According to Gaynes (2015), the U.S. prison population of offenders 1 aged 55 or older nearly quadrupled between 1995and 2010. Fellner (2012 reported that the percentage of offenders 55 years old and older grew at a rate of 282% compared with a 42.1% increase in the general prison population. It is further estimated that by 2030, one third of all prisoners in the United States will be over age 50 (Blowers, Jolley, & Kerbs, 2014;Forsyth et al., 2015).How the United States has responded to these trends and the effects on the psychological treatment of older offenders is the core focus of this chapter, which explores the following areas: the scope of the issues and laws related to incarcerated older adults, unique needs of older adults in