At present, most millimeter wave 5G systems operate at frequencies ranging from 24 GHz to 39 GHz. Nevertheless, the new 5G release is going to increase the supported 5G spectrum into the 60 GHz band. In this communication, we discuss a methodology of converting a modular antenna array, which was originally designed for the 17 GHz unlicensed band, to the emerging 60 GHz 5G band. The antenna array is of a modular architecture, allowing a simple extension to a higher number of elements. The feeding structure is composed of substrate-integrated waveguides (SIW), allowing relatively simple and cheap manufacturing. As revealed by a sensitivity analysis, the frequency up-conversion significantly increases the need for precision of the used manufacturing technology. Subsequently, the structure is optimized to minimize the repercussions of manufacturing variations. The properties of the converted array are studied when equipped with parasitic patches to increase the axial ratio (AR) bandwidth.