Abbe refractometer and then corrected. In order to obtain data for correcting observed refractive indices of the samples to the temperatures for which the published analytical data used are given, refractive indices of the respective pure components of the binary mixtures were determined at room temperature immediately after the readings on samples. This was found more reliable than using a temperature coefficient for correcting refractive index to the temperature desired. For the benzene-ethylene dichloride mixture the analytical data at 25.2°C. of Rosanoff and Easley (16) were used. The data at 20.0°C. of Bromiley and Quiggle (3) were used for the n-heptane-methyl cyclohexane mixture. The number of theoretical plates (minus one for the still pot) was calculated by the equation of Beatty and Calingaert (8).Relative volatility (8, 19) values of 1.11 and 1.07 were used, respectively, in the calculations for benzene-ethylene dichloride and n-heptane-methyl cyclohexane mixtures. These data are given in Table II and the efficiency curves in Figure 3.Fractionation of a 50-50 a-and /3-Pinene Mixture. A binary mixture composed of 50.0 grams of pure -pinene and 50.0 grams of 0-pinene was charged in the still pot. The pure components had the following properties: B. P. (20 Mm.