We examined relations between the shape of the staged zir n 〔 》zzle ( after airport )and the mixing perfGrmance ill the furnace for two staged combustion , Four di匠erent shapes of ports , 1hole , 4 holes. 9holes , Lobe shape , with the same Dpen area of nozzle outlet w ere used to examine the e αect on the NOx and CO performance . The gas veloci 亡 y in the furnacc and the air ratio were fixed at the values near the operating condition of the actual boilers us much as pog. sibIe . NiO = and CO performancc " was corrdated with the 【 nixing perfermance in the downstream sidc of the after air port . CO decreasc when the s ' tandard devia亡ion of the local air ratio ill the furnace becorne smal [ . This is because extrcmely low oxygen concentration region is hard加 be f6rmed in the furnace. On the other harld, NO . = increase if the standard deviation o 正 tha亡 is srnall . The overall air ratio was set at l. 15 for the experimental condition . Under this conditi ( 〕n , improvelnent of mixling performance brings all 量 ncrease of thermal NO τbecause of hlgher gas te皿 perature . 凧 i e aLso exarnined the nozzle design criteria in order Lo predict its mixjng performance beforehapd , It was found that the circumference length of the jet How bad a good correlatt n with the standard deviatiDn Qf th巳 Iocal air ratio , When anozzle has a longer circumference lcllgLh , mixillg pcrformance of it be〔 Qmes better ,