Service accounts, including organizations' official accounts and mini-programs, provide various convenient services for users, and have become crucial components of a number of applications. Therefore, retrieving service accounts quickly and accurately is vital. However, this task suffers from the problem of limited human annotation, i.e., manually assessing account functionality and assigning ratings based on user experience is both laborintensive and time-consuming. To this end, this paper proposes a novel approach, the Auxiliary task Boosted Multi-Task Learning method (AuxBoost-MTL). Specifically, the proposed method introduces multiple auxiliary tasks, which are able to utilized the log data from our application as supervision, and enhance the performance of the main task, service account retrieval. Furthermore, we introduce an Adaptive Hierarchical Fusion Module (AHF module) into our approach. This module is designed to adaptively perform hierarchical fusion of embeddings from auxiliary tasks into the main task, thereby enhancing the model efficacy. Experiments on two real-world industrial datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach.