We present a systematic collection of spectral surgery principles for the Laplacian on a compact metric graph with any of the usual vertex conditions (natural, Dirichlet or δ-type), which show how various types of changes of a local or localised nature to a graph impact on the spectrum of the Laplacian. Many of these principles are entirely new; these include "transplantation" of volume within a graph based on the behaviour of its eigenfunctions, as well as "unfolding" of local cycles and pendants. In other cases we establish sharp generalisations, extensions and refinements of known eigenvalue inequalities resulting from graph modification, such as vertex gluing, adjustment of vertex conditions and introducing new pendant subgraphs.To illustrate our techniques we derive a new eigenvalue estimate which uses the size of the doubly connected part of a compact metric graph to estimate the lowest nontrivial eigenvalue of the Laplacian with natural vertex conditions. This quantitative isoperimetric-type inequality interpolates between two known estimates -one assuming the entire graph is doubly connected and the other making no connectivity assumption (and producing a weaker bound) -and includes them as special cases.
Contents2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 34B45 (05C50 35P15 81Q35).