The influence of passing electric current in the acidic buffalo milk with a view to explore the possibility of retaining and utilizing such milk for the manufacture of dairy products was studied. Twelve trials were conducted on de-acidification of milk and the quality of milk was judged by the Heat Coaguldon time and the concentration of major minerals, namely, calcium, magnesium, phosphate and citrate in normal buffalo milk, its rennet whey, acidic milk whey and the de-acidified milk whey. The average HCT for normal milk, acidic milk and de-acidic milk was 42.66f1.40, 2.74fO. 03, 44.41 f 1.78 min, respectively. Ihe average pH of these milks were 6.72 f 0.19, 6.21 f 0.02 and 6.77f 0.03, respectively. Ihe soluble calcium, in diferent types of whey obtainedfrom whole milk, acidic milk and de-acidified milk were 24.03%, 33.11 % and 21.37%, respectively. Similarly, magnesium contents were 56.78 % , 66.58 % and 56.61 % and the phosphate contents were 43.87%, 60.74% and 42.24%; and citrate 67.93%. 81.48% and 62.16%.