Po CHEONG WONG and DONALD R. ARNOLD. Can. J. Chem. 59,982 (1981). In paper number 111 of this series (2) ab initio and PCILO molecular orbital calculations for the four x-x* charge-transfer (ct) complexes formed between maleonitrile (MN) and fumaronitrile (FN), and cis (CS) and trans-l,2-dimethoxyethylene (TR) were reported. This paper reports the ct transition absorption characteristics and association constants of these complexes as a function of temperature. From this data the heats of formation of the complexes are determined and these experimental results are then compared with the theoretical values; good agreement is obtained. The order of complex stability (-A@ (kcal mol)) measured in chloroform solution is: MN-TR (0.55)< FN-TR (0.65) < MN-CS (0.78) < FN-CS (1.25).We reach the conclusion that, for these complexes, orientation effects of the substituents are quite small in magnitude and that the dominant factor influencing complex stability follows the redox potential difference. The structures of the complexes are discussed in view of these results.Po CHEONG WONG et DONALD R. ARNOLD. Can. J. Chem. 59,982 (1981). Dans la troisieme publication de cette serie (2) Nous avons conclu dans le cas de ces complexes que les effets d'orientation des substituants sont negligeables et que le facteur principal influen~ant la stabilitt du complexe suit la difference de potentiel redox. On discute de la structure de ces complexes ? i la lumiere de ces rtsultats.[Traduit par le journal]
IntroductionWe have recently reported a potentially useful photochromic system based upon the irradiation of charge-transfer (ct) complexes of olefins in solution (1). For example, the ct absorption band of the trans-stilbene -fumaronitrile (t-ST-FN) complex extends out to longer wavelengths than the ct absorption band of the cis-stilbene -fumaronitrile (c-ST-FN) complex. Irradiation of the t-ST-FN complex results in up to an 86% enrichment in cis-stilbene (la). The position and absorption intensity of the ct absorption band is related to the strength of the complex. For structurally similar compounds, Mulliken has demonstrated that the strength of the complex depends mainly on the ionization potential (or oxidation potential Ey,", (D)) of the donor and electron affinity (or reduction potential E;$ (A)) of the acceptor. Therefore, the differences in the ct equilibrium constants (K) between the t-ST-FN complex and the c-ST-FN complex can be explained in terms of the difference between Ep;, (D) of c and t-ST. However, the