We report the fabrication and electrical characterization of a single electron transistor in a modulation doped silicon/silicon-germanium heterostructure. The quantum dot is fabricated by electron beam lithography and subsequent reactive ion etching. The dot potential and electron density are modified by laterally defined side gates in the plane of the dot. Low temperature measurements show Coulomb blockade with a single electron charging energy of 3. Silicon-germanium modulation doped field-effect transistors ͑MODFETs͒ are potentially attractive devices for high-speed, low noise communications applications, where low cost and compatibility with complementary metaloxide-semiconductor logic are desirable.1 Because the silicon quantum well containing the electrons is strained by up to 2%, the electron mobility of these structures is as much as a factor of five larger than that of unstrained silicon fieldeffect transistors ͑FET͒ at room temperature, offering the prospect of high speed operation. At low temperatures, electron mobilities as high as 5.2ϫ10 5 cm 2 /V s have been reported, 2,3 raising the possibility of lithographically patterned quantum devices.Development of quantum devices in silicon MODFETs is of particular interest, because silicon is unique among the elemental and binary semiconductors in that it has an abundant nuclear isotope of spin zero. Silicon also has very small spin orbit coupling. Together, these two features provide only weak channels for electron spin relaxation; the electron spin dephasing time T 2 for phosphorus-bound donors has been measured to be as long as 3 ms at 7 K. 4 Kane has pointed out the advantages of nuclear spins in silicon for quantum computation, 5 and his scheme has been extended to electrons in SiGe heterostructures.6 Following Loss and DiVincenzo, 7 specific schemes have been proposed for spin-based quantum computation in silicon-germanium electron quantum dots.
8,9Here we demonstrate a quantum dot fabricated in a layered silicon/silicon-germanium ͑Si/SiGe͒ heterostructure that includes a strained Si quantum well containing a twodimensional electron gas ͑2DEG͒. Even with recent advances in the growth of high mobility SiGe modulationdoped heterostructures, producing lithographically defined n-type quantum dots with periodic Coulomb blockade has been challenging. The fabrication of highly isolated Schottky top gates is particularly difficult. 10,11 Due to the lattice mismatch between layers of different Ge fraction, misfit dislocations must be present to relieve the strain in the SiGe buffer layer. Misfit dislocations terminate in threading arms running up to the heterostructure surface, and these threading arms may play a role in forming a conductive path between top Schottky contacts and the 2DEG later. We have avoided this problem by fabricating a dot with highly isolated side gates formed from the 2DEG itself.The Si/SiGe heterostructure used here was grown by ultrahigh vacuum chemical vapor deposition.2 The 2DEG sits near the top of 80 Å of strained Si grown on a s...