SUMMARYThe antifungal active 2-(p-substitutcd-phenyl) benzoxazoles against C. albicans were studied in a QSAR (quantitative structureactivity relationships) work using the multiple regression method. Some of the hydrophobic , electronic ( F, R) and steric (MR, MW, P r ) constants were used as physicochemical parameters. The correlation equations and the best equation obtained from regression analysis were given.As a result of quantitative structure-activity relationships of 2-(p-substituted-phenyl) benzoxazoles for C. albicans, it was found that hydrophobic, electronic or steric parameters were more significant when they were used in combined forms than they were used separately.
ÖZETCandida albicans'a karşı antifungal etkili 2-(p-sübstitüe-fenil)-benzoxazol türevlerinin, çoklu regresyon metodu kullanılarak, kantitatif yapı-etki ilişkileri (QSAR) çalışılmıştır. Fizikokimyasal para- Redaksiyona verildiği tarih: 15.4.1986