The burden of screening for inherited cardiac conditions on health services grows ever larger, with each new diagnosis necessitating screening of additional family members. Screening these usually asymptomatic, low-risk individuals is currently performed by consultant cardiologists, consuming vital clinic resources that could otherwise be diverted to sicker patients requiring specialist consultant input. Clinical scientists now constitute a highly skilled and often underutilised group of individuals with training in areas such as clinical evaluation, 12-lead electrocardiography (ECG) interpretation, and echocardiography. These skills place them in a unique position to offer a full screening evaluation in a single consultation. The aim of this study was to implement and evaluate a novel clinical scientist-led screening clinic for first-degree relatives of patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). The clinical scientist-led screening clinic was established at a London tertiary centre to allow review of asymptomatic, first-degree relatives of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of HCM or DCM, independent of a cardiology consultant. Patients were evaluated with history, examination, ECG, and echocardiography, with further investigations if deemed necessary. A retrospective review was performed of the first 200 patients seen in the clinic.
Of the 200 individuals reviewed between September 2019 and July 2022, 99 had a proband with HCM and 101 a proband with DCM. Overall, 169 individuals (85%) revealed normal screenings and were discharged. Thirty-one individuals (15.5%), all asymptomatic, revealed ECG changes and/or significant echocardiographic findings. Of these, 21 individuals (10.5% of the total cohort) were subsequently diagnosed with a cardiomyopathy or early phenotypic changes consistent with a cardiomyopathy (11 with HCM and 10 with DCM). These individuals were referred on to an inherited cardiac conditions consultant clinic for regular follow-up. Overall, 179 consultant clinic appointments were saved which could instead be allocated to patients requiring specialist consultant input.
This is the first description of a clinical scientist-led screening clinic for first-degree relatives of patients with HCM and DCM. The findings demonstrate that implementation of such a service into routine clinical practice is feasible, effective, safe, and can free up capacity in consultant clinics for patients requiring specialist input.