The research which we will report has to do with the comparative manifestations of psychopathology in several ethnic groups. These groups are in the State of Hawaii; they are all American, but they represent very diverse cultural backgrounds.If one is interested in the ways in which psychopathology is manifested in different cultural groups, Hawaii provides a very convenient laboratory. The Islands have representatives of such disparate cultural groups as the Western, the Oriental, the Malay, and the Polynesian. Further, in this particular setting they all speak a common language. Finally, where severe functional mental disorders are the focus of interest, we note that there is only one State hospital in the Islands and only one general hospital to which most of the severely disturbed are referred. Although we identify these aspects of the situation in Hawaii as advantages for cross-cultural research, we are also aware that the relatively uniform environmental conditions contribute to a somewhat rapid assimilation of these groups and, thus, the blurring of lines among them.Given this as background, we wish to state the primary aims to be pursued in this research. Its