The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of ethyl, isopropyl, and t-butyl cyanides into HCN and the corresponding olefines have been studied in a seasoned silica vessel in a flow system in the absence and presence of toluene as inhibitor. The reactions are homogeneous and the unimolecular rate constants are expressible by the following Arrhenius equations:Ethyl cyanide (530-670 "C): k (s-') = 1.30 x 10'3e-694801RT i-propyl cyanide (547-655 "C): k (s-') = 1.59 x 10'2e-641401RT t-butyl cyanide (565-654 "C): k (s-') = 1.59 x 10'2e-636901RT Les cinetiques de la dCcomposition thermique des cyanures d'dthyle, isopropyle et t-butyle en HCN et olefine correspondante, ont Bt C CtudiCes en continu dans un recipient en silice convenablement traite, en I'absence puis en prdsence de tolukne comme inhibiteur. Les reactions sont homog&nes et les constantes de vitesse d'ordre un peuvent Ctre exprimees par les equations d1Arrh6nius suivantes: Can. J. Chem., 51, 366 (1973) Although the general reactions of the cyanides are similar to those of the halides and the cyanides have sometimes been called halogenoids, very few kinetic studies of the thermal elimination reactions of their organic derivatives have been carried out. Maccoll and coworkers (1) supported the homogenous and molecular nature of the elimination reaction of alkyl halides with P-hydrogen atoms in the gas phase. These reactions occur by concerted mechanism involving polar transition state and bear formal relationship to reactions in solution. Rabinovitch and Winkler (2) observed that methyl and ethyl cyanides pyrolyzed in the gas phase by radical mechanism but the decomposition of the ethyl compound was the more complex.Asmus and Houser (3) studied the kinetics and products of decomposition of acetonitrile in a stirred flow reactor. The reaction was complex, involving mixed first and second order kinetics. There was no autocatalysis by HCN and the mechanism was non-chain, as the presence of a chain sensitizer, cyanogen bromide had no effect on the rate of reaction. Hunt et al. (4) investigated the effect of the CN group on the strengths of the adjacent C-C and C-H bonds by pyrolyzing ethyl (between 686 and 765 "C) and t-butyl cyanides (between 602 and 652 "C). They found that ethyl cyanide decomposed both by free radical and molecular mechanisms, with HCN and olefine as the main products of the molecular mechanism. t-Butyl cyanide decomposed by a free radical mechanism to form methane, hydrogen, ethane, and ethylene as gaseous products. Both these decompositions were homogeneous with first order kinetics. This observation was confirmed by this and other experimental work; the rates are not affected by the slight changes in initial concentrations of reactants at the same temperature and reasonable Arrkenius graphs are obtained by plotting the first order rates obtained at different temperatures.This paper investigates the nature of the thermal decompositions of ethyl, isopropyl, and t-butyl cyanides in the gas phase and indicates their analogy to the decompositio...