Abstract. The paper is devoted to the coronal bright points. We carried out the analysis of the simultaneous observations in IR He λ10830Å and microwaves at 5.2 and 1.76 cm. It was obtained that microwave sources correspond to the dark points in IR He λ10830Å with line-ofsight velocities directed from a observer. The possible mechanism of the energy transport within the bright points are suggested.The coronal bright points are the most spreading kind of a solar activity and they are registered in broad range of electromagnetic spectrum. However, the observation is showing a partial matching of coronal points at the different wavelengths (see for example Fu, Kundu, & Schmahl 1987;Maksimov, Prosovetski, & Krissinel 2001). The same emission features of the coronal objects, expanded by heights, as can be a evidence of the BP's spatial structure properties as reproduce the characteristics of energy transference from its release location to the emission levels. Multiwave observations, giving the information about the radiation from broad range of solar atmospheric levels, allow us to estimate the composition and processes within the coronal bright points more correctly.The present contribution uses the observational data obtained on spectrograph of Large Solar Vacuum Telescope (LSVT) and Siberian Solar Radio Telescope (SSRT, 5.2 cm) and Nobeyama radioheliograph (NRH, 1.76 cm).The scanning of solar disk by the slit of LSVT's spectrograph was made nearby the active region AR 8257 on 28 June, 1998 from 2:07 UT till 2:37 UT. The dark points in He I λ10830Å on the spectrogram, obtained by CCD-camera, were extracted. The lineof-sight velocities and optical depth were determined in the dark points (Skomorovsky et al. 2001). We defined the brightness temperatures and the sizes of microwave sources corresponding to the dark points. It was investigated 12 dark points at all. The six microwave sources corresponded to them, moreover, each of source at 5.2 cm had the pair at 1.76 cm wavelength.The ratio of brightness temperatures for the microwave sources (without level of quiet Sun), coincided with dark points in He I λ10830Å, are about 0.112. This indicates the thermal brake gear of optically thin plasma as mechanism of microwave radiation (Maksimov, Prosovetski, & Krissinel 2001). The comparison of the matter motion directions observed in dark points with the microwave source presence shows that the microwave bright point presented only if the line-of-sight velocity of dark point was directed from the observer. Moreover, the dark points without the pairs at 5.2 and 1.76 cm wavelengths located farther from the microwave source maximums. It's notably that the "recessive" from observer dark points located along the loops seen according to TRACE's data in UV-rays (see Fig. 1).Based on the model of a quasi-stationary loop (Vesecky, Antiochos, & Underwood 1979;Kankelborg et al. 1996), the estimations of coronal bright points and the lineof-sight velocities from the He I λ10830Å observations allow us to conclude that the 479 https://w...