The demand of lactulose production is increasing tremendously because of its bifidogenic (prebiotic) functionality. Therefore, the isomerization of lactose to synthesize lactulose through electroactivation (EA) technology is of great interest nowadays. However, lactulose production through electroisomerization is affected by several operational and experimental conditions, and the process needs to be optimized. In this context, the EA technique was applied to isomerize lactose into lactulose in an EA reactor modulated by anion and cation exchange membranes. The effect of lactose concentrations (5, 10, 15, and 20%), applied electric fields (300, 600, and 900 mA), and processing time (0−60 min) on lactose electroisomerization rate (lactulose formation) and coproduct (glucose, galactose, and fructose) formation has been investigated. The effect of different physicochemical parameters such as pH, alkalinity, temperature, ion migration, and oxidation−reduction potential (ORP) on the conversion of lactose into lactulose was correlated with the lactulose formation to understand the involved process mechanism of action. The conversion of lactose into lactulose was lactose-concentration-, electric-current-, and EA-time-dependent and reached the highest lactulose yield of 38% at 40 min using a 900 mA current intensity in a 10% lactose solution. The results were then compared to conventional chemical isomerization maintaining similar alkaline conditions at ambient temperature (22 ± 2 °C). A higher yield of lactulose was achieved in the EA process within a short reaction time compared to that of the chemical isomerization. The outcome of this study suggests that EA is a promising technique for the enhanced production of lactulose from lactose.