Four (nor-)drimane sesquiterpenoids, nebularic acids A (1) and B (2) and nebularilactones A (3) and B (4), were isolated from a cultured Lepista nebularis strain by bioassay-guided chromatography, and their structures were elucidated by mass spectrometry and NMR spectroscopy. Nebularic acid A Drimanes comprise a class of sesquiterpenoid metabolites [1] that possess a broad spectrum of activities, including antifungal, [2] antibacterial, [3] antiviral, [4,5] cytotoxic, [6] antifeedant, [7] antiallergic, and antiinflammatory properties.[8]Drimane sesquiterpenoids have been isolated from higher plants such as Canella winterana, [9,10] Warburgia salutaris [11] and Drymus winteri, [12] as well as from fungi such as Aspergillus, [5] Panus, [13] and Lactarius species. [14] Here we report the isolation and structural elucidation of two nordrimane sequiterpenoid acids named nebularic acids, and two drimane sesquiterpenoid lactones from a culture of the basidiomycete Lepista nebularis.A strain of Lepista nebularis collected in Siberia appeared to produce antimicrobial metabolites, as revealed by an initial screening with crude extracts. The fungus was cultivated under the conditions of surface fermentation at 25°C in 500 mL Erlenmeyer flasks containing 100 mL medium composed of malt extract (20 g L -1 ), glucose (10 g L -1 ), yeast extract (1 g L -1 ) and (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 (5 g L -1 ), at pH 6.0. After cultivation for 28 days at 25°C the mycelium cake from the culture medium (60 L) was harvested and extracted twice with ethyl acetate and methanol (each 10 L). The culture broth was thoroughly extracted with ethyl acetate and the combined extracts were dried and the solvents were evaporated. The residue (3.2 g) was subjected to column chromatography (silica gel 60, Merck, 0.063-0.1 mm, column 4 × 60 cm), with stepwise CHCl 3 and CHCl 3 /MeOH (9:1, 1:1, v/v) as eluents. Active components were isolated through bioassays (v.i. 1 H NMR spectrum of 1 showed 19 nonexchangeable protons including one olefinic proton at δ = 8.02 ppm and three methyl groups at δ = 0.88, δ = 0.92 and δ = 1.14 ppm. Analyses of 13 C, DEPT 135 and HMQC NMR spectra of 1 indicated the presence of two methine C-atoms (one of them sp 2 -hybridized) four methylene C-atoms, three methyl C-atoms and three quaternary C-atoms (one of them sp 2 -hybridized), a carboxy C atom (δ = 164.0 ppm) and a carbonyl C atom (δ = 204.3 ppm). The occurrence of the carboxy group and the carbonyl group was confirmed by the IR spectrum, which showed strong absorption bands at 1742 cm -1 and 1632 cm -1 . The 1 H-1 H COSY spectrum revealed the coupling systems H-1/H-2/H-3, and H-5/H-6. By HMBC all connectivities were fully assigned. The geminal arrangement of the methyl groups C-14 (δ = 20.9 ppm) and C-15 (δ = 32.6 ppm) was established by the correlation of H-14 (δ = 0.92 ppm) and H-15 (δ = 0.88 ppm) with C-4 (δ = 33.0 ppm), C-3 (δ = 40.7 ppm) and C-5 (δ = 49.4 ppm). Similarly, the correlation of H-13 (δ = 1.14 ppm) with C-10 (δ = 38.3 ppm), C-1 (δ = 36.8 ppm) and C-9 (δ = 175.4 ppm) sh...