We demonstrate by an explicit model calculation that the decay of entanglement of two two-state systems (two qubits) is governed by the product of the factors that measure the degree of decoherence of each of the qubits, subject to independent sources of quantum noise. This demonstrates an important physical property that separated open quantum systems can evolve quantum mechanically on time scales larger than the times for which they remain entangled. Entanglement of quantum-mechanical states, referring to the nonlocal quantum correlations between subsystems, is one of the key resources in the field of quantum information science. Many protocols in quantum communication and quantum computation are based on entangled states [1]. When one considers practical applications of entanglement, the coupling of the quantum system and its subsystems to the environment, resulting in decoherence, should be taken into account. It is known [2,3] that entanglement cannot be restored by local operations and classical communications once it has been lost, so understanding of the dynamics of decoherence of entanglement is of importance in many applications.There are two basic issues in the physics of the loss of entanglement by decoherence, that, while intuitively suggestive, thus far have allowed little quantitative, modelbased understanding. To define them, let us refer to two subsystems, S (1) and S (2) , of the combined system, S. The first property of interest is the expectation that when the systems are separated in that they are subject to independent sources of noise, e.g., when they are spatially far apart, then the decoherence of entanglement is faster [4,5,6] than the loss of coherence in the quantummechanical behavior of each of the subsystems. Thus, the subsystems can for some time still behave approximately in a coherent quantum-mechanical manner, but without correlation with each other.In order to define the second property of interest, let us point out that the definition of "decoherence" of an open quantum system is not unique. One has to consider the overall time-dependent behavior of the reduced density matrix of the system, obtained for a model of the environmental modes, which are the source of noise and are traced over. This time dependence can involve an oscillatory behavior corresponding to the initial regime of approximately coherent evolution, with frequencies de- * Electronic address: tolkunov@clarkson.edu † Electronic address: privman@clarkson.edu ‡ Electronic address: paravind@wpi.edu termined by the energy gaps of the system (which can be shifted by the noise). At the same time, there will be irreversible, decay-type time dependencies manifest for larger time scales, which can in many cases be identified with processes such as relaxation, thermalization, pure decoherence, etc., that represent irreversible noiseinduced behaviors [7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16].One, by no means unique, way to quantify the degree of loss of coherence is by the decay of the absolute values of off-diagonal elements of the re...