To manage the bandwidth in a TDMA-ATM broadband wireless network, an efficient polling based multiple access method, called the non-uniform polling, has been proposed previously. Although this system presents improved performance, the disadvantage is that the base station and remotes have to switch between receive and transmit modes quickly. As an alternative to the technical complexity of polling, a reservation based protocol is presented in this paper which applies the bandwidth allocation and admission control techniques similar to non-uniform polling. The performance of this system and the non-uniform polling method is compared in terms of cell loss rate of the delay sensitive applications and the mean cell delay. Furthermore the previous analysis and formulations are extended to considering the effect of offered load on interference power, channel failure rate, and the upper bound on the utilization which guarantees user Quality Of Service(Q0S) requirements. 0-7803-3300-4/96$5 . OOO 1996