Winter road salt applications are increasing chloride concentrations in many freshwater ecosystems. This trend is alarming, giv¬en chloride’s potential to impair aquatic ecosystems. Short- and long-term exposure to salt could affect ecosystem metabolism and nutrient cycles. Here, we examine connections between chloride concentrations, water quality conditions, benthic respi¬ration, and sediment-water nutrient flux throughout a large (722 km2) lake and its catchment. Aquatic locations experiencing high concentrations of chloride are indicators of anthropogenic activities and are often associated with additional pollutants. We used sediment core flow-through incubations under ambient and enriched chloride concentrations to determine the effects of road salt on benthic respiration and nutrient fluxes in stream, stormwater pond, and lake sites. Salt (as sodium chloride) ad¬ditions caused a significant overall increase in benthic respiration. Acute exposure to road salt caused the strongest increase in benthic respiration when water was warm and at sites that had low (< 50 mg Cl-/L) or high (> 400 mg Cl-/L) ambient chloride concentrations or when water was cold and sites had intermediate (100-400 mg Cl-/L) ambient chloride concentrations. Nitrate flux responded less uniformly to salt additions. Depending on waterbody type and season, ambient nitrate flux into the sediment was similar, increased, or decreased post-chloride addition. Dissolved phosphorus flux was not significantly impacted by salt additions. Across lake and stream sites, our results supported the hypothesis that chloride causes increased respiration while nutrient cycles were weakly and inconsistently altered under experimental pulse road salt additions.