Abstract:The constant rate of supply (CRS) of excess 210 Pb model was successfully applied to assess 210 Pb data of two sediment cores from the lake Qattinah, Syria. Gamma spectrometry was used to determine 137 Cs and 210 Pb activity concentrations. The bottom of the cores was 210 Pb-dated to years 1907 and 1893. The accumulation rates were determined using 210 Pb method and found to vary similarly in both cores from 0.10 ± 0.01 to 3.78 ± 0.57 kg m -2 y -1 during the past century. 137 Cs was used as an independent chronometer. The two distinct peaks observed on the 137 Cs record of both cores, corresponding to 1965 and 1986, have allowed a successful validation of the CRS model.