I am a 39-year-old White man. A licensed clinical psychologist, I received my doctorate from the Graduate School of Psychology and my master's degree from the School of Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary. I practiced full time for 4 years as a U.S. Navy psychologist, then continued my clinical career while serving as a faculty member in a doctoral training program-first in part-time private practice and then as a consulting psychologist in a clinic for low-income children and adolescents. For the past couple of years, my responsibilities have been exclusively academic and supervisory.I consider myself Christian in a broad and ecumenical sense and no longer identify with any single protestant denomination, though my background is conservative and evangelical. I do not endorse some of the tenets or doctrinal views common of most evangelical denominations. I have no interest in literalism, dogma, or religious performance, but 1 have a great deal of interest in the person of Jesus and modeling Christlike humanity for those I engage professionally.