Recently, we have applied for the first time the angular momentum and isospin projected nuclear density functional theory to calculate the isospin-symmetry breaking (ISB) corrections to the superallowed β-decay. With the calculated set of the ISB corrections we found |V ud | = 0.97447(23) for the leading element of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix. This is in nice agreement with both the recent result of Towner and Hardy [Phys. Rev. C77, 025501 (2008)] and the central value deduced from the neutron decay. In this work we extend our calculations of the ISB corrections covering all superallowed transitions A, I π = 0 + , T = 1, T z → A, I π = 0 + , T = 1, T z + 1 with T z = −1, 0 and A ranging from 10 to 74.