A high temperature shape memory alloy, Ni-30Pt-50Ti (at.%), with an M s near 600°C, was isothermally oxidized in air for 100 h over the temperature range of 500-900°C. Nearly parabolic kinetics were observed in log-log and parabolic plots, with no indication of initial fast transient oxidation. On average the rates were about a factor of 4 lower than values measured here for a binary Ni-49Ti commercial SMA. The overall behavior could be best described by the Arrhenius relationships:NiPtTi: k p ¼ 1:54  10 12 exp ðÀ250 kJ=molÞRT ½ mg 2 =cm 4 h NiTi: k p ¼ 6:39  10 12 exp ðÀ249 kJ=molÞRT ½ mg 2 =cm 4 h The activation energy was consistent with literature values for TiO 2 scale growth measured for elemental Ti and some NiTi alloys, at *210-260 kJ/mol. However, a number of other studies produced activation energies in the range of 135-150 kJ/ mol. This divergence may be related to various complex scale layers and depletion zones, however, no specific correlation can be identified at present.