The use of micro structured reactors is an accepted technology in fundamental chemical research as well as in industrial applications. The application of electrochemical microreactors (ECMR) has not attracted as much attention as continuously performed reactions in a confined space. Nevertheless ECMRs are in use to perform electro-organic reactions. In this review, different aspects of ECMRs with structured electrodes and interelectrode distances of mainly B100 lm are investigated and discussed, together with various manufacturing techniques and prototypes described therein. Based on representative examples described in various publications for electrolysis (for direct and indirect electrolysis) advantages and disadvantages of electrochemical microreactors are presented and compared with those of conventional electrochemical reactors.
List of symbolsA e Electrode surface A e = Lw (m 2 ) a e Volume specific electrode area (m -1 ) a inv Specific investment costs (€/m 2 h) A, B, C, D Reagent or product of the electrochemical reaction b A Kinetic constant of the reaction involving reagent A (V -1 ) b inv Current costs (€/kW h) C A Concentration of reagent A (mol m -3 or mol L -1 ) D Inter-electrode gap (m) d e Electrode thickness (m) d eq Equivalent or hydraulic diameter D Diffusion coefficient (m 2 s -1 ) E c , E a Cathodic, anodic potential (V) E c e ; E a e Cathodic, anodic equilibrium potential (V) E cell Cell voltage (V) E tn Thermoneutral cell voltage F Faraday constant (96,486 A s mol -1 ) i Current density (A m -2 )