536.2Using the methods of mathematical simulation. We investigated the characteristic features of formation of a stationary temperature field in a cooled plane isotropic wall subjected to local pulse-periodic heating. The possibility of the existence of an optimum wall thickness that ensures a minimum stationary temperature of its most heated point has been established.For practical applications of the mathematical theory of heat conduction [1-3], of special interest are the problems of controlling the temperature state of a structure [4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11], optimization, and estimation of the effective values of thermophysical and geometric parameters of their individual elements [12][13][14][15]. A correct choice of the optimum parameters depends to a great extent on the space-time structure of the regime of thermal action realized.Great attention in theoretical investigations is paid to spatial distributions (with the Gaussian-type intensity) and concentrated (of circular and annular shapes, and of other right geometrical shapes) heat fluxes. Thus, in particular, for a heat flux with a Gaussian-type intensity the problem of determination of the "optimal thickness of the wall subjected local heating" has been solved [16] and also sufficient conditions of the existence of the optimum thickness of a cooled coated wall being pulse-periodically heated have been determined [17]. As far as the present authors are aware, for concentrated heat fluxes similar results are absent, which can be explained by the specific properties of the process of formation of corresponding temperature fields [18,19].In the present work, we consider a plane isotropic wall of constant thickness h, one of the surfaces of which is exposed to the influence of both the surrounding medium with a constant temperature T c 0 and heat-transfer coefficient α 0 and a concentrated axisymmetrical heat flux q(r) in a pulse-periodic regime and the other surface of which is cooled by the external medium with a constant temperature T c h and heat-transfer coefficient α h . The main aim of the investigations carried out is analysis of the characteristic features of a stationary temperature field in the cooled wall on its exposure to a concentrated axisymmetric heat flux.To attain the aim set, we used a nonstationary mathematical model of the process of formation of a stationary temperature field in the wall. This allowed us to take into account the influence of the nonstationary nature of the acting heat-flux regime on the temperature field of the wall cooled and, by using the limiting transition (with unlimited increase in the time variable), to find the corresponding stationary temperature field that is the object of a subsequent parametric analysis.In conformity with the aim set and initial assumptions, we will avail ourselves of the following mathematical model:θ (ρ, x, Fo) Fo=0 = 0 ;(2)