“…Firstly, we notice some notations using through the whole paper. The cipher A=false(a1,a2,…,anfalse) is assigned with a1 and an being the most significant bit and the least significant bit, respectively: - ΔXr: the input difference in round r ;
- ΔKr: the round-key difference in round r ;
- ΔYr: the output difference in round r ;
- ei,j: the i th bit and j th bit are ones; the others are zeros within a cipher (e.g., e2,5=false(0,1,0,0,1,0,…,0false)).
COSB-128 [8] is a 128-bit block cipher using 256-bit secret key; the number of round is 10. The ciphers do the same iterative structure with the round function Crypt(e) (...…”