О. Герцик, Т. Переверзєва, М. Ковбуз та ін. ISSN 2078ISSN -5615. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія хімічна. 2018 With the increase in the potential scanning rate in voltammetry analysis, the decrease in potential changes and the reduction of corrosion currents can be traced, indicating formation of corrosion products on the alloys surface (such as iron salts), which are soluble in sulfate acid. In conditions of additional load on samples of Fe 78.5 Ni 1.0 Mo 0.5 Si 6.0 B 14.0 cyclic potential scanning in 0.5 M aqueous solution of sulfate acid, a decrease in two orders of magnitude of corrosion currents can be observed, which can be explained by the formation of a protective layer on their surface, which consists mainly of insoluble in H 2 SO 4 iron sulfate. Modification of the Fe 78.5 Ni 1.0 Mo 0.5 Si 6.0 B 14.0 surface with layer of a heterofunctional oligomer based on vinyl acetate, 2-tert-butylperoxy-2-methyl-5-hexen-3-yne and maleic anhydride increases corrosion resistance of samples in 0.05 M sulfate acid. The investigated amorphous alloy can be recommended for use in a sulfuric acid, which facilitates its passivation. Modification of the alloy surface by thirty-minute formation of the oligoperoxide layer increases its corrosion resistance in 0.05 M aqueous solution of H 2 SO 4 , and further, apparently, such alloy can be used for fixing biologically active substanceson its surface.